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Dental Emergencies With Sore Mouth

Common Dental Emergencies

Common dental emergencies and how to deal with them You should always contact your dentist for an examination and treatment, no matter what type of dental emergency you are experiencing. emergency dental care will not only provide you with pain relief, but also help to minimise the damage done to your teeth, gums, and supporting bone. Even minor dental discomfort can be a sign of a tooth infection, which requires immediate treatment. The dentist must identify the root cause of the pain so they can take action before it worsens. It is not always easy to get professional assistance when you are in

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5 reasons veneers are good for the Teeth

5 reasons veneers are the makeover you’ve been waiting for.

Are you ashamed of smiling during events or in photos? Don’t be too hard on yourself. The problem may be your teeth. If you want to cover up embarrassing dental problems like discoloured, chipped, misshapen, or unevenly shaped teeth, a dental veneer is the most suitable choice for you. Dental veneer has several benefits, which explains why it is one of the most popular cosmetic industry procedures.  What are Dental Veneers? Dental veneers, also known as dental porcelain veneers or porcelain veneers, are a layer of tooth-like material placed over the teeth. It is a custom-made shell of tooth-coloured material

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Everything you need to know before going for a Dental Implant

Everything you need to know before going for a Dental Implant

Have you ever thought of how you would look or feel when one or more of your teeth fell out? You don’t want to even think about it, right? I totally understand. One way to deal with losing a tooth is to get a dental implant. This procedure involves a surgeon or periodontist surgically inserting and fusing an artificial tooth into your jawbone. It is an excellent long-term option for tooth replacement. When you lost a tooth decades ago, you’re only limited to either a fixed bridge or removable dentures. A fixed bridge depends on the neighboring healthy teeth for

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5 Common Myths about Natural Teeth Whitening

5 Common Myths about Natural Teeth Whitening

Today, several natural teeth whitening methods are advertised online (via Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and in magazines. Good examples of such procedures include lemons, oil pulling, and charcoal, which are all DIY techniques. However, not everything on the internet works, especially natural teeth whitening solutions. The mistake many people make is that they think all-natural ingredients are good for their teeth and smile. However, many people are unaware that most of the ingredients used for teeth whitening can wear away the enamel over time. This article aims to expose you to some of the most common myths about whitening teeth. Some

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